Gaining Confidence in the Gym - Why & How?!

I'm sure many of us can attest to the uncomfortable feeling - walking into a crowded gym full of muscular gym rats and feeling out of place, unconfident, and embarrassed to be mixing in among these seemingly frequent members. I can assure you that the beginning of my gym experience was nothing close to comfortable. I felt scrawny, lost, and as if I was being looked down upon for not being a fellow expert. Gyms are certainly not the most welcoming of places, especially depending on where you sign up. BUT it's so crucial to prevent this intimidation from keeping you from pursuing your goals. I fortunately pushed through the discomfort long enough to develop a sense of comfort and belonging... but I wish someone had provided me with some key tips for this to have happened sooner. Everyone deserves to feel welcome in the weight training environment, despite how new they may be. SO buckle up, get confident, and reassure yourself that it's your place as much as anyone else's.

1. DON'T BE A PUSHOVER. First and foremost, walk into that weight room with pride and start that workout you planned to complete. Now I'm not suggesting you become some ignorant hog of machines and cables, but it's crucial to stand your ground. Don't let the more experienced members steal your cables or weights because of some sense of arbitrary entitlement they think they have. It's YOUR area just as much as theirs. If they take a machine you were using, (either purposefully or incidentally), politely speak up - either asking to finish your sets or to work through a rotation to share. Letting another member take advantage of your area and/or equipment will only set them up to do the same again in the future to you or others in similar positions.

2. FORGET APPEARANCE. Frankly, I don't care what size/shape/gender you are... the gym is your environment to feel completely welcome. Quit comparing your outward appearance to that of those around you because your progress is your OWN and IMPORTANT regardless of the status of everyone else. I don't care what people have more muscle mass than you do, you're just as deserving to be there. Letting the size or progress of others intimidate you will only keep you from feeling fully confident in your own routine, and prevent you from your own success.

3. FAKE IT 'TILL YOU MAKE IT. Haha okay guys this one isn't a joke. Seriously, you don't need to be a true expert to be able to walk around like one in the gym. NO ONE else is as concerned about what you're doing or why you're there as much as you are... so strut your stuff like you know why the heck you're there. You don't have to give off an arrogant vibe, but go in with a routine/plan/guide either on paper or in mind and give the impression that you know what you're doing... even if you're totally new to it. Nobody will ask questions.

3. BE KIND. This is important for all gym members, both veterans and newcomers alike. Sharing weights/machines and simply freaking smiling goes a long way in an environment that can seem so competitive. At the end of the day, we're all there to better ourselves amongst others working to do the same. It's easy to get caught up in a silly hierarchical system in which you rank yourself below or above other members. Remind yourself that we are all there for our own personal goals. Focus on yourself, trust me when I say that's exactly what everyone else is doing!

Crush that next gym visit... and show off that confidence whether it's completely fake or not.๐Ÿ˜‰
Claim your space, forget about others watching, and be patient with others. It's that simple. Being self-assured in such an intense environment will allow you to push your limits and truly experience the best results. There's no need to be timid or hesitant in the gym - it's YOUR place, make sure that's known.

LOVE Y'ALL. Thanks for returning to read or stopping in for your first one๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜„Comments, questions, and feedback always welcome.
XOXO - Coco


  1. Coco great blog post per usual! This is so important and I’ve had the same feelings of intimidation when I first got into lifting weights at the gym. I pretty much faked it til I made it so I can definitely attest that your advice works! Love these reads every time!

    1. Ahh Kayla, thank you so much!! Haha, I'm so happy you can relate... thanks for the sweet feedback girl:)

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