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My Journey from Undergrad into the UNE DPT Program πŸŽ“

HI FOLKS... I've gotten several questions regarding my career path and how I've reached my current position. For those that need a brief overview - I graduated from Stonehill College in 2018 with an undergraduate degree in biology. Amidst my senior year, I completed my applications to handful of physical therapy programs (about 6 or 7), and selected the University of New England to attend beginning fall of 2018. I have just finished year 1 of school and am on May break before the start of my summer (June/July) semester! Was it an easy journey to this point? HECK NO. But I put in the work, got organized, and took the correct steps to get here. Let's review them step-by-step😊... Deciding on a Graduate Program In my first two...almost THREE years at Stonehill, I was completely unsure of what I wanted to pursue after graduation. I knew I would attend graduate school for something in the medical field, but I hadn't yet found something I was totally passionate about. I...

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